活動資料 Event Information

  • 主辦機構
    香港按揭證券有限公司 (按揭證券公司)
    The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC)
  • 日期
    16 May 2024 (Thursday)
  • 時間
    下午3時正 至 下午5時正
    3:00pm – 5:00pm
  • 地點
    香港北角百福道21號(模範里入口) 香港青年協會大廈25樓
    25/F, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Building, 21 Pak Fuk Road (Entrance at Model Lane), North Point, Hong Kong
    (1-minute walk to Quarry Bay MTR Station, Exit C)
  • 語言
  • 報名日期
    Enrolment Period
    From now until three business days before the event commences
  • 講者
    HKMC Retire 3 consultants
  • 查詢熱線
    Enquiry Hotline
    2582 0033

報名參與活動 Enrolment in the Event


To enrol in the event, please fill in the required information below and submit.

請選擇 Please select
請輸入姓名 Please enter name
請輸入姓名 Please enter name
請選擇年齡 Please select age
請選擇年齡 Please select age
請輸入手提電話號碼 Please enter mobile number 請輸入正確的手提電話號碼 Please enter correct mobile number
請輸入手提電話號碼 Please enter mobile number 請輸入正確的手提電話號碼 Please enter correct mobile number
請輸入機構代號 Please enter your Organisation Code 請輸入正確的機構代號(如適用) Please enter correct Organisation Code (if applicable)
請選擇得知此講座 Please select where did you learn about the seminar 請列明 Please specify
  • 每位成功報名的人士將於活動開始日期前最少兩個工作天收到SMS短訊確認。
    Each successful Applicant will receive an SMS confirmation at least two business day before the commencement date of the event.
  • 請於報名前細閱以下《個人資料的收集及使用》部分以了解我們如何使用及處理由參與者提供的個人資料。
    Please read the “Personal Data Collection and Use” section below for details on how we use and process the personal data provided by Participants before enrolling in the event.
  • 活動名額有限,先到先得,並受以下《一般條款及細則》約束。
    Enrolment is on a first-come-first-served basis while limited quota lasts and is subject to the below “General Terms and Conditions”.
  • 只可透過查詢熱線2582 0033取消報名,並須於活動開始日期的最少三個工作天前取消報名。查詢熱線服務時間:星期一至五,上午10時至下午1時,下午2時30分至6時30分;公眾假期休息。
    Cancellation of enrolment can only be made through the enquiry hotline at 2582 0033 and it should be made at least three business days before the commencement date of the event. Enquiry hotline service hours: Mondays to Fridays, 10:00am to 1pm, 2:30pm to 6:30pm; except public holidays.
  • 按揭證券公司委托星耀廣告設計有限公司(星耀公司)為活動提供報名申請及其他後勤支援。任何報名參與或出席活動之報名者及其親友(參與者)向按揭證券公司及星耀公司提供個人資料屬於自願性質,但若未能提供報名時所要求的資料,可能令按揭證券公司及星耀公司不能進行或處理活動報名及有關事宜。

    The HKMC engages AD FORTUNE COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED (ADF) to provide enrolment and other logistical support for the event. It is voluntary for the Applicants and their friends/relatives enrolling in or attending the event (Participants) to supply their personal data to the HKMC and ADF. However, failure to supply the data requested during the enrolment process may render it impracticable for the HKMC and ADF to process or handle the enrolment and matters relating to the event.

  • 在報名過程中收集的參與者的個人資料將用作處理活動報名申請、就有關活動事宜聯絡參與者、確認及記錄出席狀況、進行統計分析及其他與舉行及舉辦活動直接相關的用途。

    Personal data about the Participants collected during the enrolment process will be used to process enrolment applications, contact the Participants for matters relating to the event, confirm and record their attendance, conduct statistical analysis and for other purposes directly related to the holding and running of the event.

  • 參與者的個人資料將以安全及保密的方式保存,直至該等資料已不再需要用於上述用途後,便會及時並安全地被刪除或銷毀。參與者有權要求查閱及改正由按揭證券公司及星耀公司持有的其個人資料。任何該等要求可以書面形式向按揭證券公司之個人資料保障主任<通訊地址為香港九龍觀塘偉業街180號 Two Harbour Square 19樓>及/或星耀公司之辦公室<香港灣仔駱克道332-334號啟光商業大廈14樓>提出。

    Personal data of the Participants will be kept in a secure and confidential manner, and will be deleted or destroyed in a timely and secure manner when the data is no longer required for the above purposes. Participants have the right to request access to and correction of their personal data held by the HKMC and ADF. Any such request may be made in writing to the HKMC’s Data Protection Officer at 19/F, Two Harbour Square, No. 180 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong and/or ADF’s Office at 14/F., Kai Kwong Commercial Building, 332-334 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.

  • 若報名者向按揭證券公司及星耀公司提供所需的報名者及其親友的個人資料,即代表報名者表示及保證已細閱及明白此《個人資料的收集及使用》部分之内容,並已向其親友說明此部分及徵得該親友的同意以向按揭證券公司及星耀公司披露該親友的個人資料作上述用途。

    By providing the HKMC and ADF with the requisite personal data relating to themselves and their friends/relatives, the Applicants represent and warrant that they have read and understood the contents of this “Personal Data Collection and Use” section and that they have explained to their friends/relatives about this section and have obtained the consent from their friends/relatives to disclose the friend’s/relative’s personal data to the HKMC and ADF for the above purposes.

  • 如欲進一步了解有關按揭證券公司集團(包括按揭證券公司及其附屬公司及附屬企業)的私隱政策及實務,請瀏覽以下網址參閱按揭證券公司集團的私隱政策聲明:https://www.hkmc.com.hk/chi/privacy_policy_statement.html

    For more information about the privacy policies and practices of the HKMC Group (including the HKMC and its subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings), please read the Privacy Policy Statement of the HKMC Group which is available at the below website: https://www.hkmc.com.hk/eng/privacy_policy_statement.html

General Terms and Conditions (Click here for details)

參與者申請、登記或參與活動即表示同意遵守這些條款及細則。若活動在 AMIGOS 會所內舉行,參與者亦須遵守會所守則。按揭證券公司可按其獨有酌情權不時修改條款及細則。會所守則的副本可向AMIGOS 會所接待處索閱。

Participants agree and accept these general terms and conditions by applying for, registering to or participating in the event. If the event takes place at AMIGOS’ clubhouse, Participants will also be abided by the clubhouse rules. The HKMC may vary the terms and conditions from time to time at its sole discretion. Copies of the clubhouse rules are available for inspection upon request at the reception of AMIGOS’ clubhouse.

  • 按揭證券公司保留拒絕任何申請參與活動的絕對權利。
    The HKMC reserves the right to refuse any applications at its sole discretion.
  • 按揭證券公司將保留取消參與者參加活動的資格,如按揭證券公司認為參與者的參與及行為影響或妨礙活動或其他出席者。
    The HKMC reserves the right to disqualify any Participant whose behaviour has disrupt or hinder the event or the enjoyment of the event content by other attendees at its sole discretion.
  • 參與者須保證及聲明其身體狀況良好以參與活動。參與者須在參與活動前諮詢醫生,以確認參與者不會因醫學上或其他原因而無法參與,參與者亦須確保參與該活動將不會損害其健康、安全、舒適或身體狀況。所有參與任何活動所產生的風險將由參與者自行承擔。
    Participants warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and are capable of participating in the event. Participants should consult a doctor before participating in the event and ensure that there is no medical or other reason which will prevent them from participating in the event, and participating in such event would not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. Participants acknowledge that they participate in the event at their own risk.
  • 在活動期間參與者可能會被拍攝、錄音及/或錄影。參加活動即表示參與者同意被拍攝、錄音及/或錄影,並同意其影像和聲音(包括可識別參與者身份的影像和聲音及任何其提出的建議)將會被按揭證券公司用於推廣用途。
    There may be photography, filming and sound recording during the event. By participating in the event, Participants consent to be photographed, filmed or sound recorded and consent to their images and sounds (which may include their identifiable images and sounds, and any ideas they provided) to be used by the HKMC for promotion and marketing purposes.
  • 參與者於活動期間不可進行任何未經授權的攝影、錄音及/或錄影。
    No unauthorised photography, audio recording or video recording by Participants is allowed during the event.
  • 參與者明白及同意活動內容(包括但不限於活動名稱、主題、內容、節目、播放的視頻、錄音)均屬於按揭證券公司擁有。按揭證券公司提供參與者的活動資料、材料和文件僅供個人使用。任何複製、分發或轉讓給第三方(即使只是資料、材料或文件的一部分)均須獲得按揭證券公司事先的書面許可。
    Participants acknowledge and agree that the event content (including but not limited to the event name, themes, content, program, audio or video broadcasted) is the property of the HKMC. Data, materials and documents provided by the HKMC in relation to the event are intended for personal use only. Any reproduction, distribution or transfer to any third parties (even for any parts of such data, materials and documents) requires prior written approval from the HKMC.
  • 若天文台於活動開始前三小時發出三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號、紅色或黑色暴雨警告訊號或該警告訊號在活動開始前三小時仍然生效,活動將會被取消。
    If tropical cyclone warning signal No. 3 or above or red/black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted or remained in-force three hours before the event commences, the event will be cancelled.
  • 按揭證券公司不會對參與者因活動而遭受的任何人身傷害、財產損失或損害承擔責任,亦不會對該人身傷害、財產損失或損害引致的任何申索、損失、費用、開支或損失承擔責任。
    The HKMC shall not be liable for any personal injuries, property losses or damages suffered by the Participants and shall assume no responsibility for any claims, losses, costs, expenses or damages of whatever nature resulting from such personal injuries, property losses or damages relating to the event.
  • 按揭證券公司保留取消及更改活動(如內容、日期、時間、地點、講員、條款)之最終權利,恕不作出事先通告。如有任何爭議,按揭證券公司擁有最終決定權。
    The HKMC reserves the right to change the contents, date, time, venue, speaker(s), terms and conditions of the event or to cancel the event without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of the HKMC shall be final.
  • 本報名表格的中、英文版本如有任何歧異,一概以英文版本為準。
    In case of any discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this enrolment form, the English version shall prevail.


I (the Applicant):

  • 按揭證券公司是由香港特别行政區政府透過外匯基金全資擁有。
    The HKMC is wholly owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region through the Exchange Fund.
  • 按揭證券公司的全資附屬公司包括HKMC Premier Solutions Limited、香港按證保險有限公司(按證保險公司) 及香港年金有限公司(香港年金公司)。
    The HKMC wholly-owned subsidiaries include HKMC Premier Solutions Limited, HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI) and HKMC Annuity Limited (HKMCA).
  • AMIGOS By HKMC向會員提供退休資訊和優惠/服務,並由HKMC Premier Solutions Limited 營運。
    AMIGOS By HKMC provides retirement information and offers/services to members and is operated by HKMC Premier Solutions Limited.
  • HKMC退休3寶指由按證保險公司營運的安老按揭計劃和保單逆按計劃,以及由香港年金公司承保的香港年金計劃。
    HKMC Retire 3 refers to the Reverse Mortgage Programme and the Policy Reverse Mortgage Programme operated by HKMCI and the HKMC Annuity Plan underwritten by HKMCA.